Denver Newborn Studio Session
I melted into a puddle of cuteness overload editing this session oh my my this crew is just the cutest.
Celebrating new life while shooting brand new babies is totally my thing and my Denver Newborn Photographer heart basically exploded in this session.
Welcome to the world, sweet boy! You are sooooo loved.
Denver One Year Old Cake Smash
A little internet search revealed to me that cake smashes originated in Mexico! Thank you Google’s AI feature for this info…
“The tradition of cake smashes for a one-year-old's birthday is most commonly attributed to Mexico, where it's called "La Mordida" which means "the bite," where the baby's face is intentionally pushed into the cake while guests chant "Mordida!" signifying their first taste; however, the practice gained widespread popularity through the lens of social media photography, making it a modern trend in the United States and beyond.”
My little cake smash model’s mom found some info on the TikTok about taking a Costco mufffin, chopping the top off and frosting it! Looks like magic to me and a super affordable option to buying a whole cake for your 12 month old to pick at. :) A fancy cake stand goes a long way, too!
Cake covered hands, feet, hair, face, mouth, I love seeing it - this girl was not shy about her little cake and went to town smashing it like a pro!!!
Happy first birthday, sweet one year old babe! You are so loved!
Welcome to the world baby MJ | Denver newborn in home photographer
Is there a more precious bond than siblings? Birthed from the same womb, raised by the same parents. I can imagine these two being besties along their journeys, laughing about shared moments as a family.
This series was way too good not to make an appearance in gallery and on site! It’s a scene I’ve witnessed previously - toddler older sibling wants to hold the baby for a few photos and wants no help from Mom and Dad and is clearly skilled enough to do it by themselves! :) So precious to see the energy unfold and celebrate these moments as they grow into their new family of four roles!
Please believe if you live in a gorgeous vintage Denver home constructed in the 1800s, we’re most certainly going to photograph you on the front porch amidst the flowers you planted while you were pregnant, holding your brand new babe.
What an honor to celebrate this gorgeous new family of four in their home for their lifestyle newborn session. It truly is a gift as a Denver Lifestyle Newborn Photographer to be invited to join these families as they welcome their babies as the newest residents of Denver!!
LOHi Denver Lifestyle Newborn Photos
The glow on this mama was impossible to miss from the moment she opened the front door. Maybe I should start with camera in hand so I can grab that first moment as I enter their space. Does it feel weird to have your newborn photographer firing off photos before they even say hello and come inside your home? Introducing this gorgeous Chicago native crew. I loved welcoming their newest little resident of Denver in this summer lifestyle newborn session goodness.
Can I just point out how much I love white?! How it lends timeless, classic images that give this gloriously clean look. It keeps things baby focused and I can’t get enough of it. The wardrobe selections on this crew are perfection next level goodness and it creates such a stunning look that I am 100% here for and totally down to capture. The contrast of Dad’s dark selections while pulling in the white - perfection.
Please believe this sweet black beauty on the right stole the show in major ways during the session. Big fur brothers and sisters are my most favorite session feature ever….Denver Newborn Photographer heart bursting with joy in big ways.
Would you believe that Dad (that doesn;t work in a creative field) painted the lovely mural in the nursery?! I love seeing parents flex in their nursery setup nesting efforts. :)
Something tells me this sweet newborn baby boy is going to grow up with an incredible head of hair. It looks so soft and full already!
Congratulations to this lovely family as they enter a new chapter as boy mom and boy dad!! Cheers to celebrating new life and the ultimate flex that is delivery a human being into the world. Moms are badasses and I’m so here to celebrate them.
Congress park denver lifestyle newborn photos | Welcome baby c
Confession. I could have walked to this gorgeous casa in nine minutes but opted for the 1 minute drive given the weight of my camera bag. :) Feels a little silly to admit but I’ll admit I love photographing my neighbors as they welcome their babies so deeply! :)
Welcome to the world to one of Congress Park Denver’s newest residents! Thrilled to have you as neighbors and to share in celebration of your parenthood journey and your family’s legacy!
Kit is One - A celebratory studio cake smash
I basically died when these three walked thru the studio door! All neutrals, gorgeous baby. Stunning mamas. Total swoon status achieved.
Little Kit smashed a cake that mom procured from New York where her moms met years and years ago! Love knowing a part of their story is featured here in celebration of their sweet girl’s first birthday!
Happiest of birthdays sweet Kit and congrats to a year as a family of three in these gorgeous mama’s parenthood journey!
Summer Family Photo Session Denver
Give me all the summer sunshine sessions please!!!! I typically see this family for photos in the fall - they missed the opportunity to book a fall mini and decided to lean into a new season. Hello summer family photo session - I’m totally obsessed and absolutely here for this green mountainside sleepy summer session. This sister hug amidst all those giant dandelions with those rocky mountains we all know and love…oh and that cloudy summer sky…My Denver family photographer felt soooo full after this session. Find my thoughts on booking a summer session vs a fall session below! :)
Thinking about booking Denver fall family photos in 2024? Here are a few reasons to consider shifting to a summer sunset session!
Sunset isn’t at rush hour!! In the fall months, our session start times always push us into rush hour traffic getting to the mountains or even in urban parks. I know prep for sessions can be stressful - getting the family dressed in fancy fall foliage wardrobe goodness can be a whole thing, put traffic on top of it all and arriving with ease can be so tough. Thankful for my clients who make big big efforts to celebrate their families with Boulder family photos! I know it’s work pulling it all together and I salute you!
2. The skies are insane in the summer. The sunset just hits different - June and July cloudy sunset skies bring an intensity that we just don’t see the rest of the year! The stormy goodness is my fav! July is my favorite month for outdoor photos in Colorado. Rainbows, clouds - being brave with the weather forecast on session day goes a long way. Also - it won’t snow!! It may hail… ;) The fall skies just don’t give this color intensity for your Boulder fall family photos!
3. Outfit selection feels so much more casual and approachable. Who doesn’t love feeling comfortable and relaxed while having your photo taken?! :) Don’t get me wrong I love the fluff and frill but when it comes to creating timeless, classic images where it just looks so fun, playful and like the kids were able to just able to be themselves? A whole lot better than those boots that the kiddo never wore before the session that don’t fit quite right that makes them walk funny and clearly uncomfortable! I 100% believe this allows families to bring out their silly side more easily!
All the love to this sweet crew that I’ve SO enjoyed seeing grow right before my eyes over the years!
Denver Newborn Session | Welcome Baby B
Round two with this crew was just so gooooood. I met this fam as they welcomed who you see featured here as big sister. I’ve included some of their initial session (that I adore OMG) at the end of the blog post - it’s THE best thing about being a Denver newborn photographer - witnessing the wild growth and the inevitable cuteness that unfolds as their personalities show themselves more fully. Welcome to the world, baby Bennett! You are so loved!!
OBSESSED with this crew. I HAD to share part of their initial newborn session with their first born baby girl Hadley. This session still lives on as one of my favs of all time! :)
What a little cherub baby doll, ball of perfection newborn goodness. Meet Hadley. She’s precious beyond words and oh so adorable. You’re about to find out why…..this baby doll has incredibly photogenic genes on both sides of the family tree.
This family, this nursery, all the things making me thrilled to step into these moments with this gorgeous crew. Meet this gorgeous brand new family.
Take a look at those little pooches in the the frames above the chair…’re about to see a real life version of both of them in the Denver newborn photos below!
I love this image so much. So much love and appreciation for the newborn life in their arms….Their very own miracle….AND a photobombing pup sniffing some of the new goods in the nursery! :) Have I mentioned how much I adore Denver Newborn Photo Sessions that have dogs in them?!?! :)
I’ve mentioned the whole newborn session with dogs thing, right?? Haha. This was not setup, no treats were used. Sheer puppy interested in their baby action going on here. My heart exploded!
I mean…..are you even kidding me??!?! Again, these shots aren’t staged. There may be a bit of coaxing or snuggles involved but totally doggie directed Denver newborn session here in full effect. :) Cheers to this crew, sending all the love to newborn baby Hadley and her sweet fur siblings! What an honor to join this crew on their journey! All the love to you!
Shoutout to all the Dads
This is a spot where Motherhood is celebrated deeply, in fact, I refer to myself as a Denver/Boulder Motherhood photographer. But the dads are a big part of the family dynamic, too! They deserve to be fully celebrated! :) Shout out to all the boy dads and girl dads out there! I celebrate and honor the gift you offer your families, just by being you!
The joy in the connection of a Dad with his littles. There is a special love and bond in this connection and I adore photographing it in Denver and Boulder family sessions. I see it as the most personal, intimate art you can hang in your home, use as your lock screen on your phone or share with loved ones that live miles away.
Sending all the love to the amazing dads out there! We need you! We love you. I celebrate you and the gift you are to your partners, your kids.